Have you ever had one of those weeks where just about everything goes wrong? This is my week....I desperately need these stamps for all the repair receipts, estimates, invoices, insurance claims (do I need to go on???) from the events from this week. Things can only get better-I am so glad it's Friday!

(from Z Gallerie)
Funny--I'd like to go around town stamping these on various people/things.
They're made by Knock Knock, a company that makes really funny desk products. I'm a fan of theirs but I was very disappointed by the fact that several of their new items, including these stamps, contain lead. It's noted on their website with double asterisks and a tiny notice at the very bottom of the page. Thank goodness for Cali's Prop 65! Their other products are great, like the Personal Library Kit. Just FYI.
those are great! I like I need a set LOL
OMG! I totally need some of these!!! Thanks for sharing!
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