Friday, July 24, 2009

Home School

WELCOME to our Back to School Bash! We had 8 boys in attendance for our day of school fun! Upon arrival, students were assigned a "class schedule" which listed times & activites for the day. 1st period: Art

Students created original works of LETTER art

Showing off their masterpieces

2nd period: Home EC

Our budding chefs made the edible crayons I posted last week (I forgot to take a picture of the finished project but they turned out great! The boys placed them in pencil boxes & took them home as a favor.)

3rd Period: Math class

4th period: Lunch

Served cafeteria style

After a morning of classes, they boys were HUNGRY

After lunch, the boys went to 5th period Music class (they played Guitar Hero on Wii).

6th period: Sundae School.

The boys said this was SSWWEEEET

we also had a few favors for our students

stored in locker bins with index card labels

And the finale, 7th period: Science

Step One: Place Mentos in tube

Step 2: Pull cord

Step 3: RUN for cover!

The boys had a BLAST & are already talking about next year's party!


Unknown said...

What an awesome "school day"!
I love the way you set up the day! I love the index alphabet cards too! I was trying to figure out how to use the alphabet for mine and this would be perfect! I am going to have to use that one!
Thanks for sharing!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

It turned out great! Glad you were able to find those trays. The class schedule is a great idea and it looks like they had a great time, but something tells me that Science class may have been their favorite.

What a great way to get them excited about going back to school!

denise @ little ant design said...

OK, this is seriously so so cute. Love the class schedule idea - I bet the boys had a ton of fun. The decor turned out great.

I'm going to have to get in gear so that I can pull this off for my kiddos right before school starts.

Anonymous said...

That looks like fun!! Can I be one of your students?

Happy Saturday Sharefest :)

Dreamgirl said...

Wow... what a great day. Wish every school day was like this!
You must be a very creative and fun person - and very patient too...

Come visit me at

or check out the Celebrity homes at

Happy Saturday Sharefest

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Awesome! That looks like a great bash!

Thanks for stopping by during Saturday Sharefest.

Chanda said...

How fun! Such a great idea and so neatly done! Very creative :)

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Love this! I especially love that school is almost back!!! Ha! What an original idea, would love to feature you on my blog. Let me know if that's okay? Thanks!

ONe PiNK FiSH said...

Great idea and definitely boy friendly. I have 2 boys myself and they would have been in hog heaven.

visiting from sits


OMG! This makes me want to go back to scholl. Edible crayons, painting, food. Check!


Apparently I NEED to go back to school because I cant spell! HAHA

amy & lisa said...

Wow, you just made school look fun!! :) What a great idea for a bunch of busy boys.
Very neat ideas. I love the pretzel crayons!

Chris @ Celebrations At Home said...

Love this whole idea. Everything is so cool!

Lacy said...

You rock! That is the most fun...I would love that as a kid and a mom! I love parties...yours looks like a lot of work. Great work!

Jess said...

oh my gosh-- this is beyond adorable! I'll definitely be linking in our friday linkfest!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

This is an awesome party!!! I am So going to do this!

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

This is such and awesome idea!

Ms. Male said...

what a great way to start the school year! it might even be cute to do for the staff at my school. i am thinking grade level numbers instead of letters? hmmm... something to think about.

Kelli said...

This is one of the most creative, fun and thoughtful things I've ever seen. I love it! Where did you get the containers for the favors?

Anonymous said...

featuring this one today! =)

Jaimee @ Havenwood House of Boys said...

This is so awesome!! I'm sharing it on my crafty facebook page : )
Jaimee @

parkergirl said...

Where did you get your Red lunch Trays????

Unknown said...

Parkergirl-I found them at Target!